Welcome to our first meeting of Spring.
John Lewis will be joining us this week to speak to us about the North American Indigenous Games which are being held in Halifax this summer. John is looking for some volunteers to act as photographers for the games.
You can find more information here: https://naig2023.com
The Sackville Photography Club is pleased to welcome Monique Campbell as our guest speaker. As a street photographer Monique finds interest by observing the mundane, the ordinary and the moments most people take for granted. She excels in producing captivating photographs that tell stories that linger in the minds of viewers.
You can see more of Monique’s work here:
Website: https://www.momentsbymonique.com
Instagram: Moments_by_Monique
As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.
We look forward to seeing everyone on-line this Wednesday.
Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – The ONLINE SESSION will open at 6:55PM.
On-line Meeting: April 5, 2023