Hello fellow Photographers,
This week the Sackville Photo Club is pleased to welcome out guest speaker Chad Barry. Chad will be presenting on Wedding Photography from a male perspective.
Chad Barry is an award winning photographer based in Southern Ontario. Chad has a strong passion for photography, believing that when it comes to creating photos; having fun is just as important as creating them. His devotion to photography doesn’t just lay in creating art, but sharing his knowledge with others by coaching and mentorship programs.
You can learn more about Chad by following the links below:
Website: Click Here
Instagram: Click Here
Facebook: Click Here
Mark Klaamas will also provide an update on our Mini Photo Exchange happening in May.
As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.
We look forward to seeing everyone in person and on-line this Wednesday
Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – The ONLINE SESSION will open at 6:55PM.
Meeting: April 19, 2023