Due to a number of converging factors, we will be hosting this Wednesday’s meeting ONLINE ONLY via the ZOOM Platform.
Our guest speaker this Wednesday is Kris Tynski
Kris is a nature photographer and fellow Nova Scotia from Cape Breton Island.
Kris has established himself as a true ambassador of Cape Breton wildlife and has developed a strong admiration for the outdoors. His lens captures the local wildlife, seascapes, and landscapes of the island focusing on the eagles, fox, heron and deer that inhabit Cape Breton.
Kris’s work has been published in such magazines as Canadian Geographic and the Wildlife Photography World Magazine
Kris will be presenting his take on his own photographic journey thru nature.
You can find more of Kris’s work via:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tynskiphotographic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tynskiphoto/
Kris’s website: https://www.kristynski.ca/
Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – The ONLINE SESSION will open at 6:55PM.
As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.
We look forward to seeing everyone ONLINE this Wednesday!
On-line Meeting: January 4, 2023