Meeting: December 21, 2022

We hope everyone is feeling the warmth of the holiday season and getting ready for gift giving, and gift receiving – hopefully with some shiny new (or new to you) photography equipment mixed in.

We would like to invite the entire membership to join us and take in our next hybrid meeting, taking place on December 21st 2022.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone on the session or live at Acadia Hall.

Our guest speaker this Wednesday is JAMES SOMERS
James will be speaking to us about two topics:

The first topic will be regarding the growing abilities for Artificial Intelligence to generate images without the need for a photographers input. 

In the second discussion James will share some tips and tricks to “MacGyver” your way toward your photography goals in the new year. 

James is a long-time SPC member and has experience in a variety of photography related areas and industries that he is always willing to share.

Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – Doors will open at 6:30PM.
For those who have not had the opportunity to Join us in person, we meet at Acadia Hall in Lower Sackville

As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.


  1. CANTEEN: The Canteen will only be offering limited service during this meeting as we find our bearings with the recent renovations to Acadia Hall.
  2. MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION: IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO, PLEASE REGISTER and pay for your SPC Membership renewals ONLINE as we will not be accepting cash payments or direct registrations at this meeting. MEMBERSHIP FORM
  3. MASKS & COVID RESTRICTIONS: As provincial restrictions have ended we will not be enforcing the use of Masks or other health related measures, however we recommend the use of MASKS while attending the in person meetings at Acadia Hall.
  4. 50/50 DRAW: Don’t forget your change! – IF we have sufficient numbers of members attending the in-person meeting we will resume our regular 50/50 Draw that will take place after the break! Funds raised from the 50/50 ticket sales go toward the SPC’s Annual “Adopt-a-Family” Campaign that supports a local family during the holiday season.  Tickets are $1 each.

We look forward to seeing everyone either online or in person this Wednesday!