Now that the leaves have fallen and annual time change has occurred, We hope everyone is taking advantage of the darkness and getting many fall images processed or perhaps engaging in some astrophotography before the temperature drops to something a tad less-tolerable.
As always, our program coordinator has been hard at work, organizing interesting topics for us to discover and arranging guest speakers to help educate us!
Our very own Kevin Hall will join us to present “Iceland – Land of Fire and Ice” – As our mentoring coordinator for a number of years, Kevin is well known for his striking landscape images, and openly sharing his technique, his trials, and errors – to the benefit of all SPC members. This presentation will feature images from a recent trip to Iceland as well as some educational content for all.
You may find samples of Kevin’s work via his facebook page:
As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.
We look forward to seeing everyone online this Wednesday, from the comfort of your home!
Pull up a chair, grab a snack, pour yourself a beverage and enjoy the meeting!