Meeting: September 18, 2024

Hello Fellow SPC Members,
Our first meeting of the season is September 18!  This meeting will be a welcome back social, with some great snacks and a great conversation.  We have a few new members, and this will be a perfect way to meet each other and share stories from the summer. 

Along with that, I will go over our plan for the season, including the monthly showcase, the contest, guest speakers we have booked, and what our in-person meetings will be.  

Just so we know how much snacks to get, please RSVP at and let me know you are planning to attend, and just so we don’t drive Tina too crazy (she is buying us the snacks) please RSVP by 9pm Sunday September 15th.  I hope to see you all there.
Doors will open at 630 pm at 650 Sackville Dr.