On-line Meeting: December 6, 2023

This week we will be hosting out meeting online to simplify things a little.  We have an amazing guest speaker joining us from Ontario, Gareth Jones.  Gareth will be presenting on creative imagery and his journey.

Photography and digital art are Gareth’s artistic expressions. After taking up photography following a career as a forensic scientist, Gareth has been able to bring his imagination, vision and inquisitive mind to visual life.

Gareth’s art mostly explores bold abstracts or unique perspectives that are created from his original photographs or digital art creations. Gareth uses as many post-processing systems as he has had time to learn as they all provide him with different options and the opportunity for great exploration.

By looking to connect images to viewers in as many ways as possible, Gareth wants to present moments of beauty, quiet joy, enjoyment, or intrigue in balance with his need to draw attention to important issues or subjects be that the planet, architecture, concepts, or commentaries.

Everyone needs a break from the unending negative news all around the world and Gareth is committed to giving people a breather from the stress of today’s world. This is not to say he doesn’t bring difficult issues into his art – but Gareth is convinced that balance is the critical issue, especially as for most of us, our worlds are not in balance. He hopes his art helps to heal this disparate world through creative expressions, thoughtful moments and visual enjoyment or challenge.

You can find examples of Gareth’s work by following the links below:



Second Instagram

YouTube Exhibit

Just a friendly reminder that our monthly showcase theme for December is “Wildlife/Birds/Nature”. 

Submissions are due Sunday December 17th at 11:59pm.

• Submit up to 5 images for each monthly theme

  • Sizing:
  • Landscape Orientation – 1920 pixels on the long side
  • Portrait Orientation 1080 pixels on the long side
  • (Not sure how to do this?, we can help!)
  • Label your image(s) = Your Name & Image Number e.g. J Doe 1, J Doe 2, etc….

If you would prefer to remain Anonymous,
Please indicate your preference to remain anonymous within your email submission.
Submit your images to: showcase@sackvillephotoclub.com

Our January monthly theme will be “Slow Shutter Speeds”.  January monthly showcase photos will be due Sunday January 14th at 11:59pm.

If you haven’t renewed your membership, or would like to join; you can do so by clicking here. For membership renewals, your membership number will be displayed at the bottom of this email. 

As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening. 
We look forward to seeing everyone  this Wednesday 

Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM –  The ONLINE SESSION will open at 6:55PM.