As we count down the remaining days of winter (and pandemic related restrictions…) and begin to think about photographic opportunities to come with warmer weather, one can take some time and carefully consider how we can add some additional creativity to our typical style or a familiar scene. As with any unfamiliar exercise – developing or flexing your creative muscles takes effort and practice.
Our very own Kim Ottenbrite has refined her practice of capturing creative ideas so that she is able to shape those ideas into future creative portraiture. This Wednesday, Kim will present a creative portraiture based session titled “Altered Expectations: The Art & Soul of Creative Portraits” which will take us on a journey into expressive emotional & soulful portraits drawn from a personal perspective.
In addition to having served as the SPC’s President, Secretary and Program Coordinator in past seasons, Kim is a local portrait and fine art photographer who is committed to her clientele and carefully crafts her images to tell their stories.
You can find more of Kim’s portraiture and art work via:
Kim’s website:
As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.
We look forward to seeing everyone online this Wednesday, from the comfort of your home!
Pull up a chair, grab a snack, pour yourself a beverage and enjoy the meeting!
On-line Meeting: March 2, 2022