Meeting: February 15, 2023

As we approach the middle of February, we hope everyone is getting out and making some great images given the “varied” winter conditions we have been seeing over the span of the last few weeks.

With weather once again becoming a challenge, the SPC Executive hopes to see all of our members either online or in person this Wednesday for our second SPC Meeting for the Month of February 2023

Long-time friend, mentor, and contest judge that “seasoned” SPC members will remember – David Grandy will be at Acadia Hall on Wednesday Evening to present his session on “Better Sports Photography”  This isn’t rocket science. – A common sense approach to better sports photography.

David Grandy is a Nova Scotia photographer and photojournalist with over thirty five years of professional experience.  As an award winning news photographer, Mr. Grandy has had his work published news and sports images in a number of Canadian and international newspapers and magazines.

He started a commercial photography business in 1994 and that work has been published in print ads, annual reports, bill boards, and of course on-line.

As part of his photojournalism background Mr. Grandy has extensive experience photographing all types of sports.

A native of Nova Scotia Mr. Grandy was educated here and continues to live with his family in the Dartmouth.

Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – Doors will open at 6:30PM.
For those who have not had the opportunity to Join us in person, we meet at Acadia Hall in Lower Sackville

As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.