On-line Meeting: February 1, 2023

After some relatively mild winter weather, the SPC Executive is hoping folks will be able to get out and enjoy shooting in some colder temperatures, which in itself provides some unique photo opportunities not available at other times of the year!

Due to some specific circumstances that have developed this week,  we will be hosting this Wednesday’s meeting ONLINE ONLY via the ZOOM Platform.

The Sackville Photography Club is pleased to welcome one of its own members, Mark Klaamas, this seasons Vice-President and overall friend to photographers.

Mark is going to lead us through a look at the 132 images that were submitted in response to the “Edit My Raw Image – Member Challenge”.

Each participant was given four RAW images to edit along with one they submitted. In turn, each participant was asked to ‘take their best shot at editing the RAW images.

Join us this Wednesday as Mark presents the edited images and see what the multitude of edits produced.
If time permits Mark will explore alternative editing options on-screen.

As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.

We look forward to seeing everyone on-line this Wednesday.

Our meeting will START AT 7:00 PM – The ONLINE SESSION will open at 6:55PM.

We look forward to seeing everyone ONLINE this Wednesday!