On-line Meeting: January 5, 2022

Our very best wishes to the entire SPC membership for a safe and prosperous new year!

As as we slowly return to regular activites we continue to be affected by the pandemic repsonse from the province and Acadia Hall as we kick off this new year.

As we are continuing to conduct our meetings according to recent guidelines, we will continue to meet online until we have the opertunity to gather in person once again.

To kick off the year we have Adam Hill presenting to us this Wednesday. Adam is a nature photographer from Cape Bretton with an amazing body of landscape work that would leave any of us wishing we had captured similar images from within our own province.

Adam Hill, is a nature photographer concerned with conveying the beauty he sees and feels in Nature. Hill’s award-winning photography has been published in books, magazines, calendars, and his prints have been collected all over the world, from Greenland to South Africa. Hill was raised in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, surrounded by the lakes, rivers, highlands and coast lines. Cape Breton’s influence on his life has been profound, inspiring him to seek the natural beauty that the rest of Canada has to offer.

Nature photography and Today’s Tools’ Through the use of modern tools, what’s possible within the realm of nature photography has never been more varied. Through this presentation, I will cover nature photography composition, long lens techniques and how to utilize various tools available to us. I will discuss topics such as drone photography, some new software and the tools that I use to create my images.

Adam Hill

You can find more information about Adam and view his stunning images upon his website:

As always, we will present regular News and Club Business, along with our regular updates to round out our evening.

We look forward to seeing everyone online this Wednesday, from the comfort of your home!

Pull up a chair, grab a snack, pour yourself a beverage and enjoy the meeting!